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In this blog you may find a new technology, which brings a benefit in those humans, who have some basic problems of body. So, let's get started....
The NEURALINK is that technology, which connected with human brains . It is founded in 2016 by ELON MUSK and other Scientists.
This technology will help those people, who are paralyzed. So, this NEURALINK help people by improving their brain function and activity.
After applied this technology, they can easily communicate with each other by expressing their creativity through art, photography and other activity.

It is totally based on The LINK. The link can be inserted in the areas of brain to look out the movement. Not only movement, but also manage all the activity of brain. So, the Link play an vital role in NEURALINK ARCHITECTURE.
The LINK is in a coin shape, which can be implanted in human brain. It is sealed device and transmit signals to the brain through this coin shape LINK. The link can connect thousand of neurons in the brain. The following information is about LINK statistic

➤ 1024 channel per link
➤ 23mm * 8mm
➤ flush with skull
➤ 6- axis IMU, Temperature, Pressure, etc..
➤ Megabit wireless data rate, post compression
➤ All day battery life
➤ Inductively charged
This link can't be inserted by doctors or experts, but there are special robotics machinery, which can add link into human brains with perfection. These robots have complete information about neurosurgeon. So, this can be handled by surgical robots.

From current medical research and available technology, it become very easy to change those human brain, who has not ability for basic life. So, install link to human brain is possible.
The link can read brain activity and do that particular thing, which person want. It can solve important brain & Spine problem with a seamlessly implanted device.
There are 86 billion neurons in every person's brain. That neurons send and receive information from brain and react. They are in three(3) parts :-
1. A DENDRITE, which receive a signal.
2. A SOMA, which computes the signal. It is also called a cell body.
3. AN AXON, which send a signal out to brain.
There is also a new term, which is called SYNAPSES
So, basically SYNAPSES is connection between AXON and DENDRITE. All neurons is connected to each other in brain and send or receive signals, which is sending through AXON and DENDRITE.
The amazing thing about neurons is, they can easily communicate. They communicate through Electric signals. Action potential plays vital role in neurons to communicate each other.
NEURALINK is put electrodes near neurons, because they detect movement of brain of person. It manage all the activity like, hear, see, feel, touch, etc....
Nowadays, many people facing some neurological problem overtime. So, need a generalized brain device that is reliable and affordable for people. They have neurological problem like,
⧫ Memory loss
⧫ Depression
⧫ Hearing loss
⧫ Blindness
⧫ Paralysis
⧫ Seizures
⧫ Strokes
⧫ Insomnia
⧫ Anxiety
⧫ Addiction
⧫ Brain damage
Thus, this type of complex problem can be solved by NEUROSCIENCE TECHNOLOGY.
The devices are designed in proper way that people can easily communicate with each other, even they faced any disease like above. Those people express their ability or feelings by photography, art and writing skill.

The surgical robots are 8 feet tall and it is designed intelligently to improve the service of Neuralink.
The company has been developing tiny brain chip, which be fitted in your skull with tiny wires. It contain 1000 tiny wires, which can be implemented in human brains. This neurosurgical robots will insert AI chip very cautiously, It means they are very active and implement chip without any damage to brain cells or blood vessels.

The installation surgery take only 1 hour to complete. The procedure is also reversible ( Throughout surgery, they make hole in skull, put Chip in brain ), If they want to take out chip, then easily they took out the device. Musk said that, Link would be upgrade in every few years.
The neurosurgical robots are designed in woke studio, where scientist only focus on clinical setting and recognized Intelligence.

➽ This robots are around 8 feet tall and move along 5 axis, It is very easy to move in 5 axis.
➽ It can be work in fixed range and speed, which is important to for precise insertion.
➽ The machine ( Robot ) hold hand in stand and guides the needle that insert the chip, With perfection.
➽ It also holds camera and sensors to improve the current situation.
➽ This machine also provides ventilation, the base of this machine is processing power.
For testing, they brought 3 pigs, who had different level of interest in cooperating. Eventually, audience was shown real time neural signal from one of pigs, which musk named Gertrude.

➽ This kind of surgery will complete with in time, around less than an hour.
➽ People can leave hospital same day.
➽ It can be done without general Anesthesia.
➽ They said that the Neurosurgical robots are very active, so there will be no harm during operation.
They do not try clinical trials yet, but in short time this trials can be started. Thus, they do not confirm that it have safety data in humans. The link have includes technical innovation for improving safety.
In many kind of surgery, always risk associated with general Anesthesia. That type of risk may be reduced by shortening time of procedure. The link is implanted in skull in hole as small as 23mm diameter.
Inserting any device in Skull, it may be issue with any harm. Like, bleeding, damage to brain, harm any veins. But, in Neuralink, they use minor size of electrodes, which will not affected any of parts of brain. Neurosurgical robots avoid damaging blood vessels on surface of brain.
We all knows that every medical device need to be safe. Security will be built in every layer of the product, Defensive Engineering, Strong cryptography and extensive security auditing.

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