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DBMS stands for Database Management System. Database management system is a software, which is manage the database. Like, MySQL, Oracle and others. It provides protection and security to the database. It maintain enormous data of massive number of users. 

It provides an interface to act on different operations. For example, Database Creation, Updating Data, Creating a table in the database. By using Database, you can easily retrieve, insert and delete the information.  

What is Database?

Simple meaning of Database is collection of Data. So, it can be easily accessed and managed. We can customize data in different way. Like, into rows, columns, tables, where these all information are become easy to save and find.

The main purpose of database is to operate a massive number of data by retrieving,  managing it. The handlers of Database can create a storage of database in such way that only one set of software program provides access of data to all the users. In this time, uncountable numbers of website are handled by Database. 

Types of Database

There are different kinds of Database :-

1. Centralized Database

2. Distributed Database

3. Cloud Database

4. Network Database

5. Hierarchical Database

6. Object-Oriented Database

7. Relational Database

8. NoSQL Database

9. Enterprise Database

10. Personal Database

11. Operational Database


RDBMS - Relational Database Management Systems

 ○ Established in between 1970 to 1972 by E.F. Codd

➽ Other Database Like, SQL, MS SQL, IBM DB2, ORACLE and Microsoft Access are entirely based on RDBMS.
 In RDBMS, data is represented in tuples terms.
➽ Because of well- organized set of data, it is easy to access in RDBMS.
➽ RDBMS is most common database, which contain number of tables and each tables have its own primary key.
 RDBMS uses tables to secure data. Data contains rows and columns for data.

Data Integrity 

Each RDBMS contains only 4 Data Integrity :-

1. Domain integrity 

2. Entity integrity 

3. User - defined integrity 

4. Referential integrity

DBMS Architecture 

Every DBMS design is depending upon its own Architecture. The network spread widely so, therefore client architecture consists of many PCs.

DBMS Architecture also depends on how users are connected to the database. There are a huge network, so it become hard to connect instant,  but after some times it will be automatically connected. 

Types of DBMS Architecture 

There are 3 kinds of DBMS Architecture :-

1. 1 - tier Architecture 

2. 2 - tier Architecture 

3. 3- tier Architecture 

1. 1 - tier Architecture 

➽ In this Architecture, users find very convenient to use DBMS.
➽ This tier is used for development local applications, where programmers can easily communicate with database.
➽ Users can changes any on DBMS, there will be no other tool for end users.

2. 2 - tier Architecture 

➽ In this Architecture, Server side is responsible to provide the functions :- Transaction and Query Management
➽ Whenever users try to communicate with Database, client side create a new connection with server, where they can communicate. 
➽ The user interfaces and application programs are run on the client side.

3. 3 - tier Architecture 

➽ This 3 tier is mostly used for large web applications
➽ The database also has no idea about any other user beyond the application.
➽ This 3 tier contains another layer between the client and server.


Database language can be used to read, store and update at a time the data in the database. DBMS has proper language and interfaces to express queries. 

Types of Database Language

DBMS has 4 main language :-

1. DCL

2. DDL

3. DML

4. TCL

1. DCL

DCL stands for Data Control Language, which used to store the data.
➽ DCL has rollback parameters, DCL execution is transactional. 

Every Database Language has some task. So, there are some task under DCL :
1. Revoke
2. Grant

2. DDL 

DDL - Data Definition Language, which is used to define the structure or pattern of database. 
➽ By using DDL language, we can create Skeleton of the Database.
➽ It is also used to create tables, indexes and Schema.

There are some task which under DDL :
1. Create
2. Drop
3. Truncate 
4. Rename 
5. Comment
6. Alter

3. DML

DML - Data Manipulation Language, which is used for accessing and manipulating data as per database.
➽ DML handles users requests.

There are some tasks under DML :
1. Select
2. Update
3. Insert
4. Merge
5. Call
6. Lock table
7. Explain Plan
8. Delete

4. TCL

TCL stands for Transactional Control Language
➽ It is used to run the changes, which is made by DML statement. 
➽ It can be grouped into a logical transaction 

There are some tasks under TCL :
1. Rollback
2. Commit

Advantages of DBMS

There are several Advantages of DBMS :-

1. Reduce Time :- It reduce the development needed time

2. Data Sharing :- Any authorized users of DBMS can share data with multiple users.

3. Backup :- It provide backup and recovery management, sometimes it can automatic create Backup

4. Easily Maintenance :- Because of centralized nature of DBMS, it can be easily maintain.

5. Multiple User Interface :- It provide various kind of interfaces like, application program interface.

6. Control database redundancy :- It can control data redundancy because it store all important data in one single database file.

Disadvantages of DBMS

There are different disadvantages of DBMS :-

1. Complexity :- Database have it's own requirements and Complexity.

2. Impact of Failure :- All the data stored in single database storage, so by any reason if database is damaged due to any reason there will be all data lost.

3. Hardware and software :- DBMS needs  high speed of data processor and software.

4. Size :- It occupies a massive scale of memory and run them. 

So, this is all about Database Management System, Which is very important for computer engineers. It is basic and necessary to learn.

I hope you may find a good information through this blog. If you have any query or suggestion for ANONYMOUS, please contact me through social media or Contact Form

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  1. King's community23 October 2020 at 09:37

    Got enough and basic information about DBMS, thanks for sharing!

  2. Netherlandsgroup of society23 October 2020 at 09:43

    Can you make blogs on interviews and communication skill? Make it, it will be really helpful.
