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Mixed Reality (MR)

Let's be realistic,

Suppose, you moved to the new city and don't know much about the surroundings and you want to buy groceries, most probably you got confused that which store or mall is the best in nearby, where can I find all the needs?

👉 Stick until the end of this page, you'll find subpage with short but important information of MR....

But Mixed Reality(MR) glasses have your solutions, by using(wearing) it, which can give you a visual projections and directions of all nearby stores with all recent updates like Prices and feedbacks.... upon your favourite brands.

As we already knew🧑🏻‍💻 about Augmented Reality(AR) and Virtual Reality(VR) in previous Notes. Now we will learn about Mixed Reality(MR).💻

What is Mixed Reality(MR)?🤔

Mixed Reality(MR) describe a term, which known as the combination of Real and Virtual World and established a new simulated environment. For example, Virtual Reality(VR) is experienced entirely digital simulation, while Augmented Reality(AR) put digital content upon Physical layer. So, Mixed reality merge both VR and AR and form a new innovative layer called MR. 

Mixed reality is also a type of Augmented Reality(AR), but it is more interactive along with Virtual term not only this but also, the physical reality and digitalization is at extreme and immersive at each other.

Mixed Reality's headset follows the lead of the deep learning, as most of the programming are upon it. Firstly, it used the physical environment and with the help of the deep leaning it creates the display and spread Digitalization.

Key Point :- The vital difference between Mixed Reality and Virtual reality is that VR provide entirely Virtual immersive experience, while MR is also provide virtualization but you're still aware of the real world, you can use physical object while you're experiencing MR technology.

How does it work?🤫

As now, we know that Mixed Reality(MR) meets some same criteria with Augmented reality (AR). Basically, MR depends upon the human and machine combination so for that it needs to be updated with surrounding landscape area as well actions of human and that's how it will provide better performance. So, that's why it built upon compatible systems and tools which will create kind of simulations.

For this activity MR mainly uses Sensors, Cameras and AI-upgraded process, which will define the data of area, which will be used to create the digital experienced space.

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Every reality technology uses glasses, in MR when any user wear glasses it automatically connect with software via Sensors. Meanwhile, it will also calculated the data and create the environment of imagination.

Mixed Reality uses much cloud storage to store it's virtual maps and data of actions depending upon person. MR need some information before it starts working :

1. Object and the location of it.
2. Edges of objects and surfaces(limitation).
3. Objects' position and action, which will be used in activity.
4. For perfection, setting up the lighting and sound.

Applications of MR😲

In this era, human beings are getting depend upon technology. Mixed reality is mixed of real and virtual world. It is used in various fields, as follows :

1. Education 🧑🏻‍🏫

Nowadays Mixed Reality is used in education industry to enhance better education for students, through this technology they can understand easily as well. Mixed reality uses 3D animation projections and simulation technology, which can interact with student and by providing this various examples of virtual objects can relate their studies, which will give them better understanding.

Using MR can also help provide experience for education, through MR, students can have hands-on experience of virtualization. Scholars can touch and relate the items as well change subjects it as they can. 

The best example of Mixed Reality in education sector is using this technology in University of Ohio, where they use Microsoft HoloLens2 in order to teach lessons on Technology, and those devices are open for students and professors.

2. Entertainment 🎬🎮

In this time, entrainment sector is mostly used area for all versions of technologies. But, this MR technology have different kind of impact on this entrainment area. In past time movies only use technology which display the movie, but with the use of MR they can put live human presence in movie. With the progressing use of Mixed Reality, movie creators are creating animated movies easily with the MR technology and edit at instance basis as well give MR experience.

Gaming industry is developing day by day and implementing new technologies like VR and AR. Now, by using high tech Mixed Reality games are becoming realistic as well using physical land and technology and expanded it's coverage. Amazing MR software can create 3D views of fields, even any field gamer wants to play with. PokemonGo uses MR technology to make it more immersive and realistic, where gamers feel of playing realistic game with automation.

3. Health Care👨🏻‍⚕️

Hospital industry is one of the important aspect in the uses of technology. Doctors have to be make sure regarding patients' well-being, that what kind of health issues patients is having but sometimes doctors misleading their health problems. So, to minimize that most of hospitals are using MR technology to find out what serious problems they are having.

In the operations time, doctors are now using Mixed Reality products, which can give the best result. 
- Surgeon use MR to make a spot, where they supposed to make surgery.
- Patients are using Mixed Reality to see which medicine is useful and what kind of infections it contains.
- Nurses are using MR to make sure about injections and checkout veins.

4. E-commerce📱

E-commerce is becoming the hub for teenagers to do shopping. Today's youth believe in technology, while E-commerce already implemented Mixed Reality tech to give immersive experience about online shopping. Online shop is now providing 3D view model of buying items, it can easily describe the item Informations like measurements and services, demo.

- Nike store is showing 3D shoes for buyers, even it can measure foot length and create that suitable design.
- Amazon already giving this services on almost all items.
- Furniture stores provide fitting closet, racks and household items 3D model so customers can make their mind on the spot.

5. Business 💁🏻

In Business, MR automation used widely, which connect machines and robots in factory plants. Use this technology to manage machinery and productions' issues, Managers can use this to analysis the machine working condition with 3D view and also add and remove some parts in MR Technology. With the use of this 3D model even workers can also increase the production.

Devices used for Mixed Reality :

1. Microsoft HoloLens 
2. Magic LeapOne
3. Oculus Quest
4. RealWear HMT-1
3. HTC VIVE Line

Challenges🛑 for Mixed Reality : 

- Mixed Reality is newly implemented technology, so Mixed Reality devices are expensive to buy for school and medical facilities, businesses. 
- Mixed reality devices are hard to adapt. So, human have to spend more time to learn and adapt.
- MR technology is depend upon power charging so, those devices are ON only they last long and also by spending too much time for this MR devices can lose human connections.

Benefits✅ of Mixed Reality :

- Trustworthiness 
- Increased concentration 
- Reduced Difficulties 
- Exctable Personalization 
- Valuable Learning

"To read this entire page within in Short page, with Important informations....
      Mixed Reality(MR) "

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  1. How can we combine A.I. and MR.? Is there any example? By the way nice short page, containing vital information!
