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This Tech News was happened in the day of 09/06/2021, this is glimpse of it. So, Read it, Spread it and Enjoy!

DICE and Electronic Arts (EA) will launch Battlefield 2042 with 128 player battleground on October 22nd on PCs and Console.


➽ US ban TikTok and WeChat like Chinese apps in purpose of Security concerns.

➽ Facebook plans to launch first Smartwatch by Next Summer, with Heart rate Monitor and 2 Cameras.

➽ Google released Second version of Android 12 Beta with new attractive features, First version launched in Google I/O Event.

➽ Elon Musk's Boring Company is now finally transporting passengers in Las Vages.

➽ Google is building new subSea(Undersea) cables to handle data flow between US, Argentina and Brazil.

➽ Facebook offers to earn 'Extra Cash' for creators who stream more : Mark Zuckerberg

➽ In Blue Origin auction someone just bid for $4 Million for a seat in Blue Origin and travel to the Space.

➽ The $13.4 Million Bugatti car named La Voiture Noire is all set and ready for Delivery.

➽ Apple might have confirmed to launch M1X Macbook Pro. In WWDC 2021, they announced various products and softwares.

➽ SpaceX Starlink is planning to provide Wi-fi in Flight. Starlink in talks with Aviation Intelligence Summit for further process.

➽ Apple is finally providing it's In App subscription from June 15th.