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This Tech News was happened in the day of 30/06/2021, this is glimpse of it. So, Read it, Spread it and Enjoy!

Instagram is testing story stickers with shareable links.

➽ Youtube app on Android device, let users to share chapters from videos.

➽ Google chrome will soon get HTTPS only mode for browser security.

➽ WhatsApp is testing new feature 'View Once' for images and videos and it will be disappear after seen.

 Windows 11 brings Dynamic Refresh Rate (DRR), for running smoother Microsoft office apps.

➽ Elon musk says may need $30 Billion to keep Starlink in Orbit.


➽ Facebook launches newsletter product Bulletin, which is powered by High-profile journalists.

➽ Pubg Mobile collaborates with Automobile company 'Tesla' to bring new vehicle skins in game.


➽ Google Message app will automatically delete your OTP messages.

➽ Zoom, which is well known virtual meeting app is acquired an AI company for live (Real-time) translation.