1.What is an Android? And who is the founder of Android?
Android is linux based operating system, open source, which is used in mobiles, televisions, etc. The founder of android is ANDY RUBIN.
2. What are the name of android?
1. Aestro
2. Blender
3. Cupcake
4. Donut
5. Eclair
6. Froyo
7. Gingerbread
8. Honeycomb
9. Ice cream Sandwich
10. Jelly Bean
11. Kitkat
12. Lollipop
13. Marshmallow
3. What are the core building blocks of android?
The following building are core of android :-
• View
• Intent
• Service
• Activity
• Fragment
• Content Provider, etc..
4. What is Intent?
Intent is a kind of information, which is passed to the components. Even, it is used to display activity, webpages, send email, etc. Mainly, there are 2 type of intents :-
5. Make a list of an impotent folders in android.
The following folders are declared :-
▪︎ bin/
▪︎ src/
▪︎ build.xml
▪︎ assets/
▪︎ res/
▪︎ AndroidManifest.xml
6. How many kinds of storage provided by Android?
There are different types of android storage are provided :-
1. Internal Storage
2. External Storage
3. Network Connection
4. Shared preferences
5. SQLite Database
7. What is Android Architecture?
Android Architecture contain 4 part :-
1. Libraries
2. Android Framework
3. Linux Karnal
4. Android Application
8. For developing an Android tool, what type of tool needed?
Basically, 3 tool is enough to create an android app :-
1. SDK tool
2. JDK
3. Eclipse with ADT plugin
9. What is ADT?
ADT - Android Development Tool. Which is used to develop the application and test various kind of application pages.
10. Define life cycle methods of android activity.
Mainly, 7 methods work for android activity :-
1. onStart()
2. onStop()
3. onRestart()
4. onDestroy()
5. onPause()
6. onCreate()
7. onResume()
11. What is the use of fragment in android?
By fragment, we can display multiple screens on one activity.
12. What is an APK format?
APK - Android Packaging Key. Which is a compressed key and support assest and manifest.
13. Give full form of....
1. AAPT - Android Asset Packaging Tool
2. ADB - Android Debug Bridge
3. NDK - Native Development Kit
4. APK - Android Packaging Key
5. ADT - Android Development Tool
6. DDMS - Dalvik Debug Monitor Server
14. Make a list of dialog box, which is supported by Android.
▪︎ Progress Dialog
▪︎ Date Picker Dialog
▪︎ Alert Dialog
▪︎ Time Picker Dialog
15. Which kernel is used in Android?
In Android, kernel Linux 3.6 kernel is used.
➽ This is model questions and answers, but this is also important question will be asked in any companies. So, be prepared for other complex questions.