1. What is Django?
Django is python based free and open source framework, which provide development of website and secure the maintenance of site, which follows the model template views (MTV).
2. In how many components Django can be broken and work?
Mainly, here this main components are mentioned :
▪︎ file :- It is the vital part of Django, because it display the result of code application.
▪︎ file :- This file can secure your data model by extending the single line of code into full database table.
▪︎ file :- It is regular expression, which capture URL patterns.
This above components are main in Django, without this above part, it is impossible to run code in Django.
3. Make a list of available features in Django framework.
Here's the features.....
▪︎ Templating
▪︎ Testing Framework
▪︎ Fantastic Documentation
▪︎ Form Handling
▪︎ Object relational mapping
▪︎ Internationalization
▪︎User management
4. What is Django Exception?
Django Exception is an abnormal event, which lead to program failure. It uses this exception classes and support all remaining core of python exceptions as well.
5. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Django?
➽ Advantages of Django :-
¤ It is fast to write code.
¤ It is secure.
¤ It is versatile .
¤ It is clear and readable.
¤ It is easy to learn. (Main)
¤ It is scalable.
➽ Disadvantages of Django :-
¤ It is based on Django ORM.
¤ Django modules are bulky in a way.
¤ Must know the full system and after start to work.
¤ Components are deployed together.
6. Mention well known sites, which uses Django.
▪︎ Mozilla
▪︎ Instagram
▪︎ The Washington Times
▪︎ Nextdoor
▪︎ Disqus
▪︎ Bitbucket
7. What is Django session?
Django session is a mechanism to store data on the server side during the interaction with the web application. It also allows file based and cache based session.
8. What are the signals in Django?
Django signals are pieces of code, which contain data regarding the happening things. A dispatcher is used for this work, who sending the signals and listen those signals.
9. What is the use of middleware in Django?
Usage of Middleware in Django :-
▪︎ Content zipping
▪︎ Use authentication
▪︎ Session management
▪︎ Cross site protective request
10. What are the Inheritance styles in Django?
These are the Inheritance styles in Django :
1. Proxy Models
2. Abstract base classes
3. Multi-table Inheritance
These are the Inheritance styles in Django.
11. In Django, mostly questions are based on Coding Or Programming. So, be prepared for it. Sorry, because I haven't mention any coding questions. But, In upcoming pages you may find an Interesting Django Coding works.