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IBM Interview


IBM stands for International Business Machines Corporation, which is an American Multi-national Company. 

Founder - Charles Ranlett Flint & Thomas J. Watson
Headquarters - Armonk, United States
Nick name - Big Blue

It is started in 1911 by doing Computing -Tabulating Recording Company ( CTR ). After renamed in 1924 as Universal Business Machine.

IBM is now trending technological company with more than 352,000 employees.

IBM provide services about Financial Services, Healthcare,  Automotive,  Telecommunications, and some of other department. Most of people are tried to become employee at IBM, but most of people failed in Recruitment Process.


IBM conducts 3 to 4 rounds to select as Software Developer and also they hire freshers to get into IBM staff.

1. HR Interview
2. Technical Interview
3. Aptitude Test

Academic Requirement 

▪︎ No backlogs at the time of Interview
▪︎ 60% or above in B.tech, Class X and Class XII

Candidates supposed to pass all the rounds to be employee in IBM, which you can see below :-

Written Portion

It contain main 3 part of Writing round, which have number series, General Aptitude Test and English Assessment Test. All test have proper time to complete. Like, for passing English Assessment Test there are 20 minutes to complete this test and for General Aptitude Test and English Assessment Test there are 2 hours 15 minutes. These both test are objective.

Technical Portion 

Those candidates only appears who passed the Writing round. In this round the question is randomly asked by examiner, which is depend upon your inteview panel. Mostly, they asked question on Data Structure, DBMS, Operating System, Networking. They also check your resume, which must have in strong background.

After completed this round they go ahead by HR Round. They asked some basic HR questions.

HR Round 

They ask basic and general questions of your self!
1. Describe yourself.
2. Why you want to join IBM?
3. In companies are you fired before come here?
4. Tell me about your Strength and Weakness.
5. Have you done any Project in college? Describe.
6. Questions from Resume.
7. Have you completed any Internship? 

These kind of HR problems they asked at interview, after that they asked their own IBM questions. Let's Look at this....

IBM Questions

1. Linked List
2. Selection Sort
3. Insertion Sort
4. Collection in Java
5. Different between overloading and overriding 
6. Other Difference like, abstract class and Interface 
7. File Handling in Java
8. Describe various type of Database.

After completing IBM questions, they ho ahead with Some Reasoning and Aptitude questions. Even, they ask question upon basic English.

IBM Reasoning Questions

Examiner at IBM ask common Reasoning question from some specific part as...

1. Number Series
2. Statement Correction
3. Verification of the truth of the statement
4. Assertion and Reason
5. Essential Part
6. Matching Definition 
7. Statement and Assumptions 

IBM Aptitude Questions

Examiner at IBM give some problem about Aptitude and solve in given time.  They, asked question from some proper topics like....

1. Speed and Distance
2. Train problems
3. Probability 
4. Height and Distance
5. Area
6. HCF and LCM 
7. Pipes and Cisterns
8. Volume and Surface area

IBM English Questions

IBM support English language at staff. So, in every Interview they ask Basic English Questions. They ask problems in given topics...

1. Tenses
2. Sentence Completion 
3. Synonyms 
4. Conjunction questions

Through Completing these all rounds, they send selected candidates to Last Technical Interview round.

IBM Technical Interview Questions

It is one of the most important part of Interview, because in this section they may be ask some tricky or Complex Question. So, give answer with proper description.

1. What is Synchronized? 

 It is the process, which Data protection Manager transfer information from an ensured server to Data Protection Manager (DPM) server. DPM depends on synchronization to keep limitations with ensured information on the document servers.

2. What is the Virtual Memory?

Virtual Memory is the administrative memory of an OS, which utilizes equipments and programming to enable PC and make up for physical memory. By briefly exchanging data from irregular access memory ( RAM )  to plate stockpiling.

3. What is Variable Scope?

It is a region, where all the programs and broadly speaking variables can be declared. Local variable is also called inside a function or a block. Outside of all function, it is called global variables.

4. What is the String?

String is a contiguous sequence of symbols or values, such as a sequence of characters or a string of binary values.

5. What is an Array?

Array is a data structure, which contains a group of elements. These elements are same as data type of integer or string. It is commonly used in the computer program to organized data, so it become easy to search and sort. 

6. What is the work of OODBMS?

OODBMS is stands for Object Oriented Database Management System, which is support the classes of objects and the inheritance of class properties, which incorporates methods  subclass and their objects.

7. Name of conditions of Deadlock?

It contain only 4 conditions, which is given below
1. Mutual Exclusion 
2. Circular wait
3. Hold and wait
4. No preemption 

8. What is procedural Programming? 

It is a programming, which uses a linear approach or top-down approach. Mostly, it depends on procedures or subroutines. It is also known as imperative programming. 

9. What is Base Class and Derived Class?

Derivation allows you to derive class, which is called a derived class and who belongs from another class and it is called a Base Class. You can make a list for base class of derived class.

10. What are the semaphores?

It is a procedure synchronization device or also called variable or abstract data type, which is used to control access to a common resource. Concurrent system and a multitasking operating system.

It assign another 2 tasks :- 
1. Signal (v)
2. Wait (p)

➽ This is model questions and answers, but this is also important question will be asked in IBM company. So, be prepared for other complex questions.

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